The mission of the Carlsen Cello Foundation is to make fine cellos available to deserving students. The Foundation loans out instruments on a long-term basis to students selected through teacher recommendations and video performance.
For a string player, the opportunity to learn and perform on a quality instrument is priceless. Talented students are often held back by struggles with an instrument whose tone is inferior and whose construction makes intricate technical material virtually impossible to play. Cellists entering competitions or taking orchestral auditions are at a serious disadvantage without a good cello. A truly fine cello allows technical facility and expressive freedom unattainable on a lesser instrument.
For the majority of students, it is increasingly difficult to own or even to have the opportunity to practice and perform on a beautiful instrument. These students must look to the few organizations and individuals who can help put in their hands an instrument that enhances their talent and can propel their career forward.
The Carlsen Cello Foundation seeks to offer as many deserving students as possible the chance to play a quality instrument. There are many ways to help this cause. Please visit the rest of this site to find out about how to make cash or in-kind contributions and how to borrow an instrument.
Thank you.